Baby Rattlesnake And Unexpected Mother

Back in August, this baby rattlesnake prompted a call. It had climbed up the chair and over to sit in this nice location. Marissa had been at the same house a few weeks prior, but the snake was nowhere to be found when she arrived. Just to check it out, she checked the location it was thought it had escaped through, and out came the mother and a bunch of baby rattlesnake shed skins!

Rattlesnake Caught In A Rat Trap

This is never fun. A Western Diamondback Rattlesnake going after the smell of free food ended up nearly losing its head. Thankfully, and amazingly, Nik was able to get it out of there without injuries (to either of them!) and the snake looks like it has no lasting damage. She was relocated to elsewhere within her estimated home range into carefully selected cover.

Rattlesnake Caught In A Rat Trap