24/7 Phoenix Snake Removal Hotline
24/7 Tucson Snake Removal Hotline
Snake Fencing
Phoenix 24/7 Hotline:
Tucson 24/7 Hotline:
We book between 20-30 events each year, from natural history oriented talks to safety demonstations and everything in between. To see our upcoming speaking events, please visit our Facebook events page.
Keeping the peace between the sprawling suburbs and native inhabitants takes much more than relocation and prevention. The first and most effective means to keeping both residents and rattlesnakes safe is to get the truth out to anyone who will listen. When people aren't scared and have the facts, rational action can take the place of rash decision making, where injuries are most likely to occur. If you have an event that could benefit from our knowledge, we want to help.
If you have a publication that could use some safety information or general information about any topic relating to Arizona's native reptiles or rattlesnakes in general, we'll provide it. All we ask is a link to our website or a bit of contact info on your vendors' list, no fee at whatsoever.
If you're a home owner's association and would like to have someone come out to talk to your residents about safety prevention tips free of any charge, shoot us an email. We've caught rattlesnakes in yards everywhere in the valley, including your subdivision if it's a place where snakes live. Each part of the valley has specific species and challenges that should be considered when taking precautions against a rattlesnake encounter, and we can help.
Our goal is to keep people safe and snakes alive. What we get in return is simply some brand exposure or hand out some business cards, if it's ok with you. We work with snakes all year long across the entire country, so to come talk about a fraction of what we do is not much bother at all for all of the benefit it can do. Most people just need a little change in perspective and the fear dissapears.
We have gotten very good at helping communities and neighborhoods feel better about the wildlife native to the area. All it takes is a little patience and knowledge, and even a snake-hater can sleep better. If you're an HOA leader or have a community that could benefit from some Rattlesnake 101, let us know.
We offer flexible safety training programs for employers to keep your team safe. See more information about our snake safety training services.
Rattlesnake Solutions has partnered with the best professional rattlesnake aversion dog training available: Rattlesnake Ready
Something we've learned in relocating thousands of rattlesnakes from properties around Phoenix, is that dogs are often in danger of being bitten by a rattlesnake, even in otherwise safe situations. Unlike (most) people, dogs often run right up to a rattlesnake when it sounds off, not realizing that the coiled warning stance is not invitation to investigate or play. Dogs simply don't know what a rattlesnake is, and that they should be avoided at all costs. This is where rattlesnake aversion training comes in - training your dog to avoid snakes and leave rattlesnakes alone can keep your dog safe, save you thousands of dollars in veteranary bills, and potentially save the life of your dog.
The place where your dog is the most likely to run into a rattlesnake without your attention is at home, in the yard. In our thousands of interactions with home owners, some of whom have had bad experiences with their dogs and rattlesnakes, the story is usually similar. Unlike while out hiking or walking a trail, dogs let into the backyard to use the bathroom or get some playtime aren't under the supervision of the owner, and by the time it's known that the dog is getting into it with a rattlesnake, it's often too late. This is why we focus on providing rattlesnake aversion traning where it matters most, in the same areas where your dog could actually meet a rattlesnake.
Call or email Rattlesnake Ready: