More snake removals from our snake removal service areas in Phoenix and Tucson.
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This Tiger Rattlesnake was using this patio in the same way it would a similar functional structure in nature. Rock in partial sun, largely-shaded and offering thermoregulatory opportunities. By managing exposure to air and conductive cooling, rattlesnakes are able to control their temperature to a fine degree. Tiger Rattlesnakes are specialists that require care in release site selection. Far from simply “taking it out to the desert”, these situations are handled with precision to find a suitable situation that emulates the natural history of the animal.A Western Diamondback Rattlesnake denning in an outdoor storage closet, on a shelf about 3′ off the ground. The homeowner thankfully spotted it before reaching for something next to it. It was relocated to carefully-selected replacement hibernacula within its estimated homerange.A call came into Amy with our Prescott hotline to report a rattlesnake, which they identified correctly as a Blacktailed Rattlesnake. This species often climbs trees and bushes – maybe this wicker chair seemed like a place it might get a bird 🙂 Amy relocated the snake safely to a situation perfect for this species at the time of capture.A Western Diamondback Rattlesnake found a nice spot near an in-ground fountain on a property tucked against the Deems Hills preserve. In addition to the fountain, there was supplemental water and feeders for birds – rattlesnakes will continue to visit and take advantage of the free lunch. Nick was sent out to capture the snake and provide an assessment, and the snake was carefully relocated to a suitable situation.This little baby rattlesnake found its way into an office building on a rainy night in September. It’s generalist camouflage worked surprisingly well against the floor pattern, but not quite good enough for the security guard not to notice. Back to the desert little guy.This was a fun one. A bucket of 6 Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes all found at one property under some dense bushes. This was found on a property inspection in advance of a football-related party … which is good because this bush was right next to the cornhole boards. All snakes relocated safely, and homeowners know more about what to do with those bushes.Wow! Look at this pretty, faded Sonoran Gophersnake found in a woodpile in Mesa. It was released safely, and the homeowner learned a bit more about the woodpile placement. More about why we sometimes relocate harmless snakes: found in a backyard in Scottsdale.A very easy-going Western Diamondback Rattlesnake that took cover under a small pile of tools that hadn’t even been leff out for a day. It was moved away from private property to public land and released into a perfectly situated packrat nest, shaded by ironwood above a sandy wash.A Western Diamondback Rattlesnake in a place we often find them – the place in the yard that is often least-visited by the homeowner. When rodents help create some additional hiding places under the pool equipment, rattlesnakes have everything they need to hang out for the winter.Sonoran GophersnakeA Sonoran Gophersnake found in Phoenix that was released under large boulders with nearby rodent activity. It was found in a backyard with a very similar situation, and can continue doing its thing with a slight change in scenery.Speckled Rattlesnake found just ouside a service panel to a patio fountain. The inside of the structure had signs of rodent activity, which when combined with shade and moisture, provided the perfect spot for this rattlesnake. It was released to carefully-selected microhabitat within its usual homerange.Speckled RattlesnakeA big Western Diamondback Rattlesnake taking advantage of a shaded corner on a hot day. The homeowner said they had already walked past it before noticing on the way back in. This is a great example of how a rattlesnake’s true primary defense works – stay hidden, let predators leave, and avoid confrontation.