Snake Removals in Arizona – September 2023

Snake Removals in Arizona – September 2023

Here are just some of our snake removal calls we handled in September. It was a pretty typical month, busy with baby rattlesnakes and all of the others working to get some last meals before the fall set in.

A friendly little Sonoran Gophersnake found in a crack in a tree. The homeowners had thought it was a rattlesnake initially, and were relieved when Nick told them it was a harmless species.
This was a fun one. A bucket of 6 Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes all found at one property under some dense bushes. This was found on a property inspection in advance of a football-related party … which is good because this bush was right next to the cornhole boards. All snakes relocated safely, and homeowners know more about what to do with those bushes.
This little baby rattlesnake found its way into an office building on a rainy night in September. It's generalist camouflage worked surprisingly well against the floor pattern, but not quite good enough for the security guard not to notice. Back to the desert little guy.
Wow! Look at this pretty, faded Sonoran Gophersnake found in a woodpile in Mesa. It was released safely, and the homeowner learned a bit more about the woodpile placement.
A tiny rattlesnake found outside a home in the Tucson area. These little guys, when this happened back in September, were all over the place. This one was relocated safely to a better situation.
This little Mojave Rattlesnake from a north Phoenix apartment complex made it three buildings in from the desert before being spotted. The rest of the complex was searched (this can take awhile) but that day, this is the only one visible