Rattlesnake Removals for November 2023

Rattlesnake Removals for November 2023

Things slow down considerably in November, as expected. By now, rattlesnakes are more or less in the places they intend to spend the winter. There are of course, still sightings, but the nature of these is quite different. If a rattlesnake is seen at a home this time of year, it has likely been there for awhile already, and would stay until March or so. This can also make relocation more difficult, as we must search carefully for a suitable replacement den, which requires a high level of knowledge of the animal’s natural history. This is one more reason why rattlesnake relocation is best left to professionals.

Here are just a handful of our November relocations:

This Sonoran Desert Toad was seen a few days before and showed up again in this old water feature. After we were called out to capture and relocate it, it was drained to prevent future visits.
This Western Diamondback Rattlesnake thought this trench was a nice little humid spot for a nap, but the homeowners disagreed. It was relocated safely and responsibly.
A home in a large desert tract had a visitor, seen over the past few days. After it appeared again by the front door, the homeowner called it in for relocation. It has been denning in the area, likely in an opening in the faux rock facade of the home. It’s a common misconception this time of year that rattlesnakes are searching for warm places – they are at the right places, which isn’t necessarily warm. In the low desert, moisture retention is a major factor in den site selection, and they often choose areas that are stable over one that is warmer. This is one of many factors that come into play when selecting a release site.