24/7 Phoenix Snake Removal Hotline
24/7 Tucson Snake Removal Hotline
Snake Fencing
Phoenix 24/7 Hotline:
Tucson 24/7 Hotline:
Date/Time | City | Zip | Species | Notes |
2024-05-01 12:30 PM | Tucson | 85716 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Sizable adult male that undoubtedly came from the golf course. |
2024-05-01 3:00 PM | 84658 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Small adult male. | |
2024-05-01 10:00 PM | Tucson | 85742 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Juvenile |
2024-04-30 8:30 AM | Fountain Hills | 85268 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowner was moving her patio furniture out back and noticed the baby rattlesnake coiled under a lounge chair. The home has partial view and block fence. She backs up to a golf course and desert throughtout. |
2024-04-30 9:00 AM | Tucson | 85704 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | A huge fencing job. Lots and lots of view fence. |
2024-04-30 11:00 AM | Phoenix | 85050 | Sonoran Gophersnake | The homeowners spotted the snake in the garage and thought it was a rattlesnake. They have big gaps in the sides of there garage. |
2024-04-30 11:30 AM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The rattlesnake was coiled up in the rocks close to the entrance. |
2024-04-30 12:00 PM | Peoria | 85383 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Snake in garage |
2024-04-30 12:00 PM | Phoenix | 85020 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Western diamondback sound at the front of the house behind pond pump. Likely attracted to the cover provided as well as some moisture in the area. Advised customer on future prevention, no other snakes found. |
2024-04-30 6:00 PM | Marana | 85658 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | An on-site visit is necessary as there is significant view fencing. |
2024-04-29 7:00 AM | Phoenix | 85085 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowner noticed the snake coiled up on his back patio behind some boxes. The home has a block fence and a gate. It is not far from the desert and river bottom. |
2024-04-29 10:30 AM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowner heard her dogs barking a different bark out in the back yard so she went to look and she saw the rattlesnake. The dogs are snake trained and are fine. The home has desert around it and some new builds. |
2024-04-28 11:00 AM | Mesa | 85207 | None | Received call regarding rattlesnake in back yard. Arrived to property and was escorted to back yard, and showed area where customer last saw snake. Customer stated that he did not have eyes on the snake since he called the line 45+ minutes ago. Checked area and did not immediately see a snake. Performed thorough inspection of back yard. Large backyard that blended into surrounding habitat (Usery Mtn area). That is to say when the property was built there was a fence erected to contain the backyard and besides a pool area there was minimal landscaping. Many native brush plants like Encelia, Krameria erecta, Ambrosia deltoidea, Trixis californica, Parkinsonia, and Olneya. Minimal trimming done to plants as it was a desert backyard. Searched under all brush. There was a small bridge that went over a small wash that connected the patio to the rest of the yard. Searched under there and there were several deep holes that I could not get all the way to. Fence wad chicken wire 18” tall around it. More than a couple of areas where it was not buried but I’m certain snake could enter wherever it wanted. Pointed this out to customer and offered free fencing quote to which they never responded. Inspected parts of front yard and no snakes found. Customer stated that they saw the snake, it hissed loud and coiled up, and then the customer left the scene. I suspect it may have been a Gophersnake. |
2024-04-28 12:30 PM | Marana | 85658 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Homeowner called for a neonate western diamondback in the yard. It was captured and relocated nearby. |
2024-04-28 2:30 PM | Phoenix | 85085 | Coachwhip | Called about a snake trapped in backyard. Customer sent photos and I confirmed it was a coachwhip and advised it was harmless. Customer still wanted it removed. I arrived and went into the backyard. Snake was in the side yard on the south side of home. Snake was laid out up towards brick wall. As I approached snake it darted past me. Spent 5 or so minutes chasing snake around the backyard. It eventually slipped into a hesperaloe and I spent another 5-10 minutes trying to fish it out of the plant. I eventually was able to get my hands around it’s tail and capture it. Snake was difficult to bucket but I was eventually able to get the lid on. Performed inspection of the backyard and no other snake found. I suspect snake entered through the side gate on the north side of home. Offered a free fencing quote and customer agreed. |
2024-04-28 3:00 PM | Tucson | 85641 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Homeowner at a house I was at yesterday and picked up two snakes called for another western diamondback seen in a clutter pile outside of their house. They had also seen a snake in a different area earlier in the day, which had disappeared from sight. After capturing the first snake, I did a thorough search of the property, and did not find any more snakes, concluding that either both sightings were the same snake or the snake had left the house. The snake was released nearby. |
2024-04-28 4:00 PM | Scottsdale | 85259 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The snake was in their garden last week and they thought it left. They saw it again yesterday and then decided today it’s time to get it removed. The home had only one little spot on the gate for it to get out and I think it was trapped in. |
2024-04-28 7:30 PM | Scottsdale | 85255 | Sonoran Gophersnake | The homeowner went to take the trash out to the trash cans on the side yard and when she threw it in she heard a hiss like sound and backed away. She thought it was a rattlesnake but it ended up being a gophersnake under the wheel well. |
2024-04-27 10:00 AM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowners were cleaning up the yard and spotted the young snake under some wood. The home has a large yard with very little vegetation and lots of pockets of desert around. |
2024-04-27 10:00 AM | Tucson | 85641 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Homeowner called for a rattlesnake that they had seen go under a hole underneath their air conditioner. When I flooded the hole, no snakes came out, but I was able to find two diamondbacks in a board stack nearby. Both snakes were relocated nearby. |
2024-04-27 10:30 AM | Tucson | 85745 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Small adult female. |
2024-04-27 12:00 PM | Phoenix | 85048 | Sonoran Gophersnake | The homeowner opened her garage door and a snake fell down off the door then slithered further in. It was already in her garage because of missing weather stripping. I caught it behind some stuff. |
2024-04-27 1:30 PM | Tucson | 85730 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Homeowner called for a rattlesnake in the garage. I captured it and relocated it to the desert nearby. |
2024-04-27 1:30 PM | Scottsdale | 85266 | Coachwhip | Snake in yard. he saw it go into BBQ. He can't see it but he is watching the area. Fencing was done last week and it was likely trapped. Let me know if you see anything that leads you to believe otherwise. Thanks so much :)) The snake likely climbed in through vegetation up against the fence. Some areas of concern were noted for juvenile rattlesnakes potentially being able to get in |
2024-04-27 1:30 PM | Scottsdale | 85266 | None | Snake in yard. he saw it go into BBQ. He can't see it but he is watching the area. Fencing was done last week and it was likely trapped. Let me know if you see anything that leads you to believe otherwise. Thanks so much :)) |
2024-04-27 3:00 PM | Peoria | 85383 | Sidewinder | The sidewinder was just in the driveway and then it went to the wall gap between the home and fence and that’s where I got it. The home has a block fence and one gate. There is a lot of development going on around this home. |
2024-04-27 7:30 PM | Marana | 85743 | Nightsnake | Homeowner called for a snake in their house. It turned out to be a nightsnake and it was relocated nearby. |
2024-04-26 11:30 AM | Carefree | 85377 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Said dog was barking at a yucca and he was hearing a rattle under it never saw the snake. When I arrived, the homeowner had found the snake and was watching it. I searched the property to locate more but no other snakes were found. |
2024-04-26 3:00 PM | Peoria | 85383 | Sonoran Gophersnake | The gophersnake was cruising along the front yard. It tried to go after a bunny then it crossed the street and got hit by a car when it did that. It then went by the neighbors house and that’s where I caught it. It had a big gash on its side and I could see its flesh but it was moving fine and I think it could survive it. She has a view fence and a gate. |
2024-04-26 5:00 PM | Paradise Valley | 85253 | Sonoran Gophersnake, Sonoran Gophersnake | The landscapers spotted the two gophersnakes in the back yard he said he thinks they were mating. One was climbing a tree and the other was on the ground when I arrive. The home has a well watered large yard with a canal behind it that leads to a golf course. |
2024-04-25 11:30 AM | Cave Creek | 85262 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Rattlesnake in back yard he is watching. There were a lot of gardens and other sources of water around, which the snake was likely coming in for. There were a few gaps in the DIY snake fencing where it could have easily entered. |
2024-04-25 12:00 PM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Snake on a playground, they are watching. |
2024-04-25 12:30 PM | Scottsdale | 85266 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | This is a horse property and one of there 2 month old baby horses was out in a stall and started to go up to the rattlesnake and thankfully the horses owner saw and got the horse away. The property is surrounded by desert and I’ve caught a few rattlesnake off the property in the years past. |
2024-04-25 3:30 PM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowner walked into her garage and got rattled at. Her husband had it open yesterday. They shut it and when they opened it for me it was stuck to a sticky trap and I was able to get it off unharmed. They had another western diamondback on there side yard that had got stuck in some chicken wire and was dead. They have a lot of good desert around them. |
2024-04-24 9:30 AM | Tucson | 85718 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Juvenile. Some fencing in place, may be mostly OK, but there are a few gaps. 4 gates that will all need major attention. An on-site visit is probably required. |
2024-04-24 10:30 AM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Rattlesnake by pool equipment likely just passing through. No other snakes found on property. |
2024-04-24 11:30 AM | Cave Creek | 85262 | Coachwhip | Coachwhip seen near pool equipment. Likely attracted to heavy rodent presence as well as easy access to hide inside block wall. Wouldn’t be surprised if there were more. Advised on prevention. |
2024-04-24 12:30 PM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Snake was cruising back yard likely looking for a way out. Advised on prevention and likely entry points. |
2024-04-24 11:30 AM | Tucson | 85741 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Old adult male. |
2024-04-24 2:00 PM | Scottsdale | 85266 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Snake bit dog this morning but was not seen. Want whole property checked including garage. One rattlesnake found, no other snakes found or signs of snakes found. Advised on prevention. |
2024-04-24 2:00 PM | Tanque Verde | 85749 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Young of last year. |
2024-04-24 4:30 PM | Chandler | 85249 | Kingsnake | The king snake was hanging out in a crack by the front door. |
2024-04-24 5:30 PM | Scottsdale | 85266 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The homeowners dog was bit by a rattlesnake earlier in the day and Nick came out and relocated that one. Later in the day they were out by the garage and one slithered in. I caught it in the corner of the garage. The dog got to go home and is ok. |
2024-04-24 6:30 PM | Anthem | 85086 | None | The homeowners dog was barking at a big lantana bush in the back yard and the homeowner heard a rattle, he never saw the snake. I searched under the lantana and the big 1 acre yard a few times and couldn’t find the snake. They have a block fence with a few gates. There is a lot of desert around the home. |
2024-04-24 9:30 PM | Cave Creek | 85331 | Sonoran Gophersnake | Rattlesnake in back yard. |
2024-04-24 11:30 PM | Chandler | 85249 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Rattlesnake in backyard |
2024-04-24 11:30 PM | Chandler | 85249 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Rattlesnake in backyard |
2024-04-23 11:00 AM | Scottsdale | 85266 | Sonoran Gophersnake | The pest company saw a snake in one of the boxes in the back yard. He wasn’t sure what kind. It was a gophersnake and it was clamped but looks like it’ll be ok. The yard is all view fence with desert behind it. |
2024-04-23 4:30 AM | Tucson | 85704 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | The night manager at the hotel called because they found a rattlesnake near the front desk outside. When I arrived, I was able to capture it and relocated it nearby. |
2024-04-23 7:30 AM | Scottsdale | 85255 | Western Diamondback Rattlesnake | Snake in back yard likely attracted to the presence of rodents and abundance of cover. DIY “snake fence” had enough holes to let snake in but was good enough to keep it trapped in the yard. |