24/7 Phoenix Snake Removal Hotline


24/7 Tucson Snake Removal Hotline


Snake Fencing


Arizona snake removal activity log

Phoenix 24/7 Hotline:


Tucson 24/7 Hotline:


Show activity for the zipcode:

Date/Time City Zip Species Notes
11:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake
10:30 AM
Phoenix 85020 Tiger Rattlesnake
10:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake
3:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake Snake was in back yard
9:30 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Customer called for removal, found speckled rattlesnake on driveway. House backs up to north mountain
6:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake Snake was in front yard hedge
12:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Groundsnake Snake was in house
12:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Speck near piestewa
12:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake Gopher snake seen in the bushes the construction guys there wanted to kill it and the homeowners were great about having us out to catch up instead of the reduced rate
3:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 None They saw a large gopher snake on their patio this afternoon but by the time I showed up the snake a disappeared.
2:30 PM
Paradise Valley 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake The homeowners found the gopher snake in their backyard attacking a squirrel. The squirrel ultimately got away and left the snake bleeding from several locations.
11:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Speckled Rattlesnake off 22nd
9:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake SNAKE WAS IN GARAGE
11:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Speck off Northern
8:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake
10:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake Snake had crawled into outside fireplace and wedged itself into a hollow brick in attempt to stay out of heat. Property has chicken wire surrounding yard but with openings much larger than ours. Suggested reaching out to us for fencing info but customer declined until she sees another snake. House is right up against North Mountain with a small rush running alongside the yard.
6:30 AM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake Snake likely entered through view fencing, which has mesh but only about 18 inches up, and also has a couple holes running underneath. Did property sweep to make sure no more snakes were present.
7:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Rattlesnake curled on front porch. It ends up being a Western diamondback and the first ever documented on the side of the mountain. Very interesting
10:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Brownish speckled rattlesnake under a bush.
4:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Soutwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Had rattlesnake in garage and tried to get it out when it went into front yard cactus.. It ended up being a speckled rattlesnake, which was pit-tagged and released.
8:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Rattlesnake by front door
8:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Rattlesnake by front door. Homeowner says he had a good two snake a year. But is backed up to the preserve and doesn’t really want fencing.
3:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake The homeowner was cleaning out her outdoor storage on her patio when she saw the snake in the closet. She lives in a condo with the preserve as her back yard.
12:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 None Snake was seen earlier in back but lost sight of it. Customer described it as small snake with no rattle. Looked over property thoroughly, no snakes were present. Not many bushes or places to hide, also no water features so was likely just passing through the yard.
9:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Tiger Rattlesnake The snake was under the homeowners door jam in there back yard. They live right on the mountain with nothing but the preserve behind them. They have a view fence and would like fencing.
8:00 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake The snake was at a resort just hanging out in the dirt and went into a hole I watered it out. The resort is surrounded by the preserve.
9:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Snake was found near a hose in a recently watered area. Snake was warm and likely attracted to the water from the hose, climbed outdoor stairs when disturbed by homeowner. Managed to get all the way up stairs before I got there and into a corner of a planter. No evidence of rodents or any other reason snake would be attracted to the area.
9:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake Baby rattlesnake in front yard. First one they have seen in this location in five years of living here
8:30 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake House is built into the mountain. The speck was just sitting on back patio.
4:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Tiger Rattlesnake The snake has coiled up under a pillar on their back porch. They have a view fence that opens up to the mountain range. There is a pretty good wash right behind their fence as well. I got a tiger out of the next-door neighbors back yard about a month ago.
5:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake The neonate atrox was hanging out on the cement driveway probably trying to keep warm. The house backs up to the Phoenix mountain preserve.
6:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake The homeowner heard some commotion when he let his dogs out then saw the snake and noticed blood coming from one dog. He took the dog to the vet and it is stable. The large western diamondback was coiled up by the back door when I arrived. The home is pretty close the Phoenix mountain preserve and has a large drainage behind the fence. It has a partial view fence and partial brick.
7:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake The homeowner was watching her dog play in her backyard when she noticed the snake behind a pot. She has a view fence with nothing but the desert and mountain behind her.
9:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake The snake was cruising around where the restaurant at the resort is. The resort is built into a mountain so the edge of the desert is right at the restaurant. The snake was coiled up by some water pump thing and I got it there.
6:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake This is at the resort. The snake was on the side of one of the rooms patios. This snake has been seen for a few months now but always gets away. I got it this time though.
11:30 AM
Phoenix 85020 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake The homeowners saw the snake a few hours earlier on their patio but decided to get it removed so their dogs didn’t get bit. It was coiled on the patio under a lawnmower. This home is built on the mountain with a view fence right bight a rocky outcrop.
6:30 PM
Phoenix 85020 Sonoran Gophersnake The lady is house-sitting for a friend. She walked into the backyard and saw a snake going into the built-in grill. She thought it was a rattlesnake so called us. When I got there the snake was halfway in a hole that goes into the drywall of the home and under the kitchen sink. I caught the dude red-handed sneaking into the house. I got the snake but not before freaking out the house sitter with the news about it almost getting in. She said they need snake fencing for their small dogs so she requested a quote.
10:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Rattlesnake with a damaged tail was found approximately a mile from the main part of the Piestewa preserve. Likely driven so far from the preserve due to construction in the area. I suspect that it followed the wall that separates the neighborhood from the 51 freeway. Snakes tail damage didn’t seem to effect its health, but it was unable to rattle. Seemed like it had paralysis an inch or so above the tail, as the rattle just kind of dangled there no matter what the snake was doing. Tail damage could have been from construction.
9:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake The homeowner was walking by his large glass front door inside his home when he heard a rattle and saw the snake on the outside of his door. The home has a wash behind it that leads to the preserve.
12:00 PM
Phoenix 85020 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Western diamondback sound at the front of the house behind pond pump. Likely attracted to the cover provided as well as some moisture in the area. Advised customer on future prevention, no other snakes found.
9:00 AM
Phoenix 85018 Sonoran Gophersnake
9:30 PM
Phoenix 85018 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Phoenix 85018 Sonoran Gophersnake
2:00 PM
Phoenix 85018 Sonoran Gophersnake
4:00 PM
Phoenix 85018 Sonoran Gophersnake
8:30 AM
Phoenix 85018 Tiger Rattlesnake
4:00 PM
Phoenix 85018 Kingsnake He had a snake in the bush just outside of his front patio gate.
9:00 AM
Phoenix 85018 None He saw a snake on his patio the other night and wanted someone to come inspect the yard
12:00 PM
Phoenix 85018 Unknown He saw the snake by his pool. Tried watering it out of possible hole. No luck
6:30 PM
Phoenix 85018 Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake, Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake A mating pair of reddish speckled rattlesnakes was hanging out in the corner near a covered part of the backyard in deep shade.
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